Celtic-Cauldron's Links Page

Welcome to the "Celtic-Cauldron" HomePage, for the "Celtic-Cauldon YahooGroups Mailing List.
We are a group of individuals seeking the knowledge of Celtic peoples, thier traditions, beliefs, thier way of life, and the Celtic Gods and Goddess'.

Please feel free to join our group on your jouney to further your Pagan path. We have a very diverse group, from all over the world, and of all ages and experiences. Each of us are following our own path, whether it be Celtic Wicca/Witta, Celtic Reconstructionist, Druid, or Celtic Witch. We gather here to learn from each other.

Rules of the List-

We do not have many rules for this list other than those already set forth by: Egroups, Onelist, or Yahoo. I do ask that you do not use profanity or foul language of any sort, we are a group with all ages, and those who break this rule WILL BE REMOVED from the list IMMEDIATLEY.
I also request that any Off-Topic messages be labled "OT" in the subject line. The reason for this, is out of courtesy to our members in other countries. Thier Internet Service is sometimes and places, paid by the minute. Thank you, Stoirm Cormac (moderator)

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"Path Seeker"
Since November 1, 2000